All are welcome!
Calling all who are interested in learning more about congregations as systems! For over twenty years, a group of clergy and faith community leaders called “The Voyagers” has been meeting to apply Bowen Family Systems Theory and Rabbi Edwin Friedman’s work with the theory to congregations and leadership. This fall the Voyagers are meeting at the DeKoven Center in RacineLast March, 2020, with the purpose of offering two “systems” days to people in southeastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. (Originally, we were scheduled to do this in the spring of 2019, but because of COVID…)
Clergy, faith community leaders, and all others who are interested in learning more about systems are invited to participate in one or both of the systems days, Wednesday, October 27 and/or Thursday, October 28, 2021. The Thursday sessions will be made available virtually, on Zoom.
Wednesday, October 27, is a one-day Introductory Seminar on Family Systems thinking and congregations, with a focus on Bowen Theory and Rabbi Edwin Friedman’s work with the theory as it is used to understand and work with families, congregations and other institutions. You will have an opportunity to work on your own family diagram, and with a small group led by one of the Voyagers. We meet from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. , at the DeKoven Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Lunch is included in your registration fee.
Thursday, October 28 is a conference entitled Unpacking Pete: The Teaching Legacy of Peter Steinke. Peter Steinke, author of Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach, A Door Set Open, and many other books; as well as founder of “Healthy Congregations” and “Bridgebuilders” was one of the founders of the Voyagers and was scheduled to present at this Racine conference. His death in 2020 was a significant loss.
At the Unpacking Pete conference, we will hear from Pete’s daughter, Rene Steinke, and from Emlyn Ott (Director of Healthy Congregations) as well as senior members of the Voyagers – those who knew and worked with Pete from his early days of studying with Rabbi Edwin Friedman, through Bridgebuilders, Healthy Congregations, and until his death. Pete’s original topic for this conference – the need of the for courage and conviction in a society that is in a regression – will also be explored. This conference is on Thursday, October 28, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., at the DeKoven Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Lunch is included in your registration fee.
- Introductory Seminar on Family Systems, Wed., 10/27/2021:
- In Person: $75 ($45 for students)
- Unpacking Pete, Thurs. 10/282021:
- In-Person: Early bird – before Oct. 1: $100; after Oct. 1: $110
- In-Person Students (with ID): Early bird – before Oct. 1: $70; after Oct. 1: $80
- Virtual/Zoom: $75 ($50 for students)
- Both days, Wed. & Thurs., 10/27-28/2021 (In-Person only): $150 ($100 for students)
- A limited number of rooms are available for Wednesday night at the DeKoven Center, includes dinner on Wednesday and breakfast on Thursday: $80
Registration is open: Click here.
For those who have already registered for these events, your registration has automatically transferred. If you wish to cancel, please contact our treasurer, Michael Jupin, for a refund.