The center of our Spring, 2024 Meeting of the Voyagers is the “Faith, Functioning and Bowen Theory” conference being held by the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, April 10 – 11, followed by the Clinical Conference on April 12. This conference is the first “deep dive” by the Bowen Center into questions around Bowen Theory and faith. Ed Henley and I are on the planning committee, and are excited about how it is shaping up. Dr. John Haught, who was with the Voyagers at the “Bowen Theory and Theology: What’s God Got to Do With It?” conference in 2015.
Keep an eye on the Bowen Center website. More information (including presenters) will be posted early in February.
Our Voyagers schedule will wrap around the conference. At this point, the plan is to do a short check-in on Tuesday afternoon, and quickly move into Family of Origin groups. On Wednesday and Thursday we will participate in the conference, which is to be held somewhere in the Arlington area. If you would like to participate in the Bowen Center Clinical Conference (led by Randy Frost along the “faith and functioning” theme), that will be all day Friday, also in Arlington. (Plan your flight accordingly.)
Registration is $300. Your registration fee covers registration for the two-day conference. We are not sure yet if we can also cover the cost of the Friday Clinical Conference.
The Room and Meals cost for the Staybridge has increased slightly. The Voyagers are covering part of that increase. The cost is : Single-occupancy suite for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is $495. Double-occupancy (one bedroom suite, please arrange your own roommate) is $260 per person. This includes breakfast on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and a light dinner with beer or wine on Tuesday and Wednesday. We will have our traditional Dutch-treat “Voyagers’ Night Out” at J.Gilberts on Thursday.
The hotel shuttle bus is not running. You will need to call use a cab/Uber to get from the Metro to the hotel.
The annual Membership Fee ($100) for 2024 is due..
Please use this link to register. When you have completed the registration process, please print the final payment page and send it, with a check, to our new treasurer, Damon Laaker. (His address Is on the payment page.) Registration closes at midnight on March 7.
For Metro directions to the Staybridge, click here. With the Metro line to Dulles Airport open, options to travel from Reagan or Dulles are available.