Voyagers, Spring 2025

The Voyagers return to The DeKoven Center in Racine, Wisconsin for our spring, 2025 meeting: Tuesday, March 25 – Friday, March 28.

This will be another interesting meeting, during which we will draw on sociological studies to look at larger changes in the functioning of persons in American society. 

In the preface to his book, Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling and Why It Matters, and What to Do about It, Richard Reeves writes: “the problems of boys and men are structural rather than individual, but they are rarely treated as such… Boys are falling behind at school and college… Men are struggling in the labor market… and fathers are dislocated” (p. xiii). He argues that our attitudes, our institutions, and our laws have failed to keep up. Since WWII, women have experienced significant shifts in educational attainment, employment and societal gender roles, most of them positive. Many of the shifts experienced by men, are not perceived as positive.

The Voyagers will focus on objective data regarding men and women and draw on Bowen theory to gain a broader perspective on these important shifts. Although the focus is not specific to congregations, it certainly is relevant to ministry and living as people of God.

One presentation will focus on congregations. Carol Jeunnette will present the overview of a new congregational project that draws on the theological propositions developed in her dissertation and uses them to guide care of a faith community that has been experiencing challenges with clergy.

In addition to presentations guiding our study and consideration, we will have family of origin groups, case studies and our traditional Voyagers Night Out (Dutch treat).

We begin at 1:30 on Tuesday, March 25 and finish up by noon on Friday, March 28. 

Transportation: It is possible to fly into either Milwaukee Airport (MKE) or O’Hare Airport (ORD). If you fly into Milwaukee on Tuesday morning, we will provide transportation to the DeKoven Center. If you fly into O’Hare, check out the Coach Shuttle Express from O’Hare to Racine. We will make arrangements to pick people up at the Racine stop on Tuesday morning. (Amtrak is another option for the adventurous! Make Caledonia, WI your final destination.)

The registration fee for the meeting is $300. 

Lodging and meals is $430. (This includes lodging on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, as well as 3 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners.) All rooms are single-occupancy.

Please use this link to register. When you have completed the registration process, please print the final payment page and send it, with a check, to our treasurer, Damon Laaker. (His address is on the payment page.)